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Let's chat privately.

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I offer LIVE online workshops for groups, but some people prefer a 1-on-1 consultation. The sessions are virtual but still very personable. You will have the opportunity to share what challenges you are facing making or maintaining friends. Your feedback is kept confidential, and together we will work out a plan for you to get closer to the friendships you want... and deserve!

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Private consultations can help, if you:

  • are shy, introverted, or have social anxiety.

  • have friends, but you're bored with how you all interact.

  • are hesitant to trust people because you've been betrayed or let down.

  • have relocated to a new area and have trouble finding people like you.

  • need help finding time in your busy life to prioritize socializing.

Please fill in the form and explain your desire for friendship guidance. Contact me by 4/20/24 to receive my Spring Promo consultation rate!

I'll be in touch!


500 Terry Francois Street

San Francisco, CA 94158


Tel: 123-456-7890

Fax: 123-456-7890


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